(DISCOVERY Tours, DISCOVERY Events, DISCOVERY Tickets, DISCOVERY PrivatJet Travel, Black Label)
Hagenauer Str. 8
D - 10435 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (0) 30 - 26 30 60 58
E-Mail: contact(at)
E-Mail: discoveryevents.david(at)
VAT number: 31/230/62599
Owner / CEO: David de Bjaouix
Emergency number
Will be given to all clients that book our services.
Important notes
Latest travel advice and warnings of the German Federal Office
Greek Tourism Board, Visit Greece, Zillertal Tourismus GmbH, Design Hotels, Athens City Counsil, Acropolis Museum, DISCOVERY Events, David de Bjaouix, OCTOLA Luxury Wilderness, Andreas Klotz, Ami Vitale, Andre Schoenherr, ZillerSeasons, Ponant Cruises, Georgia Tourism Board.
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